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  • Over 150 photos, divided into categories

  • Best source of information for Meerkats on the web

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This site is dedicated to Meerkats. My mission is to provide the most thorough information on Meerkats and make it readily available to you. I have searched out experts on both the American and African continents in my quest to acquire this information. I have traveled throughout Namibia and South Africa as well as followed the Banded Mongoose in both Zambia and Zimbabwe. This site will constantly change as new information and photos come available to update the site. Visiting Africa on a regular basis provides me with access to information that would generally be hard to find. This is only the start. If you have information, sounds, or photos of Meerkats that would be useful to this site please e-mail me with the information at lesteris@yahoo.com . All Meerkat photos on this site were either taken by me or used with the consent of the webmaster of the page which they came from. If there is any conflict regarding a Meerkat photograph please notify me and the appropriate picture will be removed. All pages on this site are copyrighted. Photographs cannot be used for any commercial purpose without prior approval. For noncommercial uses you must give credit to the photographer or the web site from which the photo came from.

Many thanks to all who have provided information for this site. If you would like to give a donation for the support of Meerkats, please contact Fellow Earthlings at www.meerkats.com . I have personally seen the Meerkat facility have become an annual donor to the charity. It is a very impressive place and I urge you to visit it if you have a chance.                    



COPYRIGHT © 1999-2011. meerkats.net
as of March/05


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